This just exsplains whats on the top how you do it
Location: (if not in a village you must create a meeting place or headquarters... this location can be either made-up or a thread or section of the forum)
Purpose: (why does this organization exist, what do they hope to accomplish?)
Special Info: (if you have any ranking system for your members or any other conditions that they must be aware of then this is the section to make them aware of it...)
Requirements: (what does one have to do to become a member?, how do they get kicked out?)
[Optional Section Down Below.]
Organizational Mission Statement: (a general statement that is given by the creator to communicate or clarify any of the following... how the organization started, how the organization is run, what the organization does, how to become a member, how to be kicked out...)
Current Members: (you should probably keep this up to date so you can keep track of who's in or out of your gang...)
you don't need to follow the template verbatim... in fact you can toss it out altogether... but you must have the required information on the organizations profile in order to be approved...
approved organizations are urged to make themselves a meeting thread in the lounge or updates section in order to maintain their contact with members if necessary...